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Fun Ways to Support Authentic: Grooves
Give Back Collaborators
Free to you, support for us!
1) Purchase Collaborator items, 2) Use Promo Code (AuthenticGrooves) at checkout,
3) A percentage of your total is directed to Authentic: Grooves as a donation!
Authentic: Grooves
That’s what we’re all about!
In-Kind Support
Thank you to the following supporters for their In-Kind donations.
Donate to Authentic: Grooves for an opportunity to receive one of these items.
$1 = 1 opportunity to win!
- Beautiful Hand crafted earrings by Claywire, Co.
- Hand made creation by CFish Create
- Kids Basket by the Carol Rose Fund

- Amazon Gift Card by NEOS UV Creations
- Bottle of Wine by Turkey Creek Patrons of Dance
- AG Merch by The Carr Family